Monday, April 30, 2007

Stuffed peppers with stuff on the side

I had a little phase a while ago of really wanting stuffed peppers (I'm sorry notification of this and the updating of the blog has been so tardy). This time I went "doolally for herbs" as Jamie Oliver so horribly announced in one of his ads, frying onions with oregano, chives, thyme and smoked paprika, plus garlic, tomato puree and oyster mushrooms, with some feta on top (actually Sainsbury's value 'Greek-style' cheese, which you would be hard-put to differentiate from feta). Also on the menu was some Ossetian cheese and potato bread which came from a fiendishly difficult recipe on the internet (well, it was quite easy but I was knackered from other cooking by that point), so these became Ossetian cheese and potato puffs, and were judged to be none the worse for it, though I bet the bread is miles better if that on offer at Tibilisi is anything to go by. Broad beans are now in the markets: hooray!

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