Friday, March 30, 2007

Patisserie Deux Amis

If they ever decide to make a British-set sequel to the sequel to Sleepless in Seattle, my bet is that it'll be set in lovely Bloomsbury, and that a key scene will happen in the new, cutesy-cutesy cafe Patisserie Deux Amis. This is the epitome of what you might call an idiosyncratic oparation: an eatery which is the vision of an owner and what they think a good place to be should be. I had a pretty delicious plum and custard danish pastry, though choosing a cake had been difficult as many of them looked viable choices. In this era of Starbucksification, one of the charms of Bloosmbury is all its independent pubs and cafes, even if I don't go to them very often, and its heartening to see new ones opening up. Remember this blog when you're sat in the cinema and the film opens with a giant crane shot of central London, sweeping round the St Pancras Hotel and the British Library, along Judd Street, and then into a little cafe, where we meet our protagonists for the first time...

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