Wednesday, July 18, 2007


I've got to say that I really don't give two hoots about the current telly phone-in scam scandal, but I was amused to read that it has transpired that Gordon Ramsay did not apparently spear a sea bass as he claimed to have done on a recent show. Well, of course he didn't do it, would be my response, for it's obvious that they'd have got a pro to get the fish. The thing that really amuses me, though, is the fact that, pro that he is, that Gordon yelled "I feel like a fucking action man" to camera after he had apparently not caught the fish!

Anyhow, the guy is still a legend because I have such great memories of Verre, which was one of the most delicious restaurants I've eaten in, and I still have a soft spot for Kitchen Nightmares.

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