Monday, June 11, 2007

Injera we trust

To Shebu with Number7 and b for some Ethiopian at Peacock, that old neighbourhood fave where we could fill ourselves with plenty of injera and spicy richness. Travelling there by car, wind blowing through the windows, all is well, and ohmygosh, Peacock isn't there any more. It has turned into a Lebanese place. Maybe we should go to Abu Zaad I suggested, but this was naysayed by others with their hearts set more firmly on Ethiopian food, so we drove back to King's X, still travelling by car, the wind still blowing, and all was well again. We fixed on Addis, the largest of two or three Ethiopian places on Caledonian Road, and while at first it looked as though we might struggle to get a table, we were found one after a little wait, which gave us a chance to feast our eyes on those fantastic giant trays of injera, onto which are placed all the different dishes. We ordered fairly extensively (with a mid-meal top-up order to ensure we were nicely stuffed): a vegetarian platter that included Atikelt wot (cabbage, potato and carrot), a couple of different lentil dishes (one rich, wet, spicy dish, and one dry, cinammony number - well spotted b, and thanks for the dinner), a yummy spinach number, Ayeb be gomen (cottage cheese with spinach) and some green chillies stuffed with onion and tomatoes. There was more that I've forgotten, but we agreed that it was as good as Peacock, which is high praise indeed as that was one of my favourite neighbourhood restos ever. We were talking about how underrated Ethiopian cuisine is (Sudanese even more so, it was noted) and how there could easily be an Ethiopian restaurant on every high street in the country, and why not because in injera, a large range of dishes with spicing routines which are distinct from other 'hot' cuisines, and an all round earthy, rich, deep deliciousness, there's no reason as to why Ethiopian food shouldn't take off. Until it does, I'm glad that I live within walking distance of three such restaurants.

1 comment:

Number 7 said...

WG - i didn't notice you had your camera with you on the night.......nuff said.